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Rabu, 17 April 2013

Materi Kuliah Farmakologi 16 April 2013

Seconds generations agents
1.       Piperidines
a.       Loratadine [Claritin]
b.      Desloratadine [clarinex]
                                                               i.      poor cns penetration : reduces sedation
                                                             ii.      ittle or no anticholinergic activity
c.       desloratadine
                                                               i.      is the active metabolite loratadine
                                                             ii.      Has about 15-fold greater affinity for the H1 receptor than the parent compound
d.      Fexophenadine
2.       Clesmatine
a.       Is a second-generation ethanolamine
b.      Longer duration of action than dimenhydramine
c.       It has some antiemetic activity
3.       Alkyamines
a.       Acriastine
                                                               i.      Acriastine is not associated cardiac effects
b.      Cetirizine [zyrtec]
                                                               i.      Cetirizine is not associated with cardiac abnormalities
                                                             ii.      Cetirizine has poor penetration into cns
                                                            iii.      Cetirizine is less sedating
                                                           iv.      It is ineffective for motion sickness or antiemesis
Pharmacologic properties of histamine (H1)-receptors antagonist
-well absorbed after oral administration
1st generation                    2nd generation
Onset                   30 min
Duration              3-8 hours                            3-24 hours

-          H1-receptors antagonist are lipid soluble; most first-generation agents cross the blood-brain barrier
-          H1-receptors antagonist are metabolized in the liver
Pharmacologic actions
-          Many H1-receptor antagonist, especially the ethanolaminenes, phenothiazines, and ethylendiamines, have muscarinic-chholinergic antagonist activities
Therapeutic uses
1.       Treatment of alergioc rhinitis and conjunctivitis
a.       Clesmatine is approved for the treatment of rhinorhea
b.      Many antihistamines are used to treat the common cold, based on their anticholinesgic properties, but they are only marginally effective for this use
c.       Diphenhydramine also has an atitusive effect not mediated by H1-receptors antagonism
2.       Treatment of uticaria and atopic dermatitis
3.       Sedatives, several (doxylamine, diphenhydramine) are marked as over-the-counter)
4.       Prevention of motion sickness
5.       Appetite suppressant
Adverse effects
Significantly reduced with second-generation agents
1.       Sedations, dizziness, and loss of appetite
2.       These agets can cause gastrointestinal upset, nausea, and constipation or diarrhea.
3.       H1-receptors antagonist produce anticholinergic effects (dry mouth, blurred vision, and urine retention)
Two second-generation H1 antagonist, astemizole and terfetadine (a prodrug of fexofenadine) were discontinued or removed from the market because they were associated with q-t prolongation and ventricular tachy cardiac

Histamine (H2)-receptors antagonist
-          Cimetidine [tagamet]
-          Ranitidine [zantac]
-          Famotidine [pepcid ac]
-          Nizatidine [axid]
Competitive antagonist at the H2-receptors, which predominates in the gastric parietal cell
Used in treatment of
1.       Gastrointestinal disorders, including heartburn and acid-induced indigestion
2.       These agents promote the healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers
3.       Used to treat hypersecretory states suchs as zollinger-ellison syndrome
-          The bioavailability of h2- antagonis goes from 50% for ranitidine and famotidine to approximately 90% for nizatidine and advised dosages take this into account
-          They taken especially in the evening to reduce night gastric acidity
-          Their elimination is primarily renal
-          Cimetidine inhibits cytochrome p-450 and increases the concentrations and the effects of many other drugs
Adverse effects
-          H2-antagonist are generally well-tolerated, except for cimetidine where all of the following adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are common
-          Infrequent ADRs include hypotension
-          Rare ADRs include : headache, tiredness, dizziness, confusion, diarrhea, constipation, and rash
-          Additionally, cimetidine may also cause gynecomastia in male, loss of libido, and impotence, which are reversible upon discontinuation
The chrmones
-          Cromolyn [intal]
-          Nedocromil sodium
These are administered by inhalation
They inhibit the releaseof histamine and other autocoids from the mast cell
Each is used prophylatically in the treatment of asthma
They do not reverse bronchospasm
Adverse effects
confind to the site of application
-          sore troath
-          dry mouth

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